"The Half-Life of Marie Curie" now begins November 28


We've made a scheduling adjustment for health & safety reasons

TheatreSquared's health & safety protocols for its ongoing artistic work are extensive. In addition to sanitation, masking, and distancing measures, staff and artists are tested on site three times each week by a registered nurse on our payroll, using a high-specificity PCR platform, offering results within 24 hours.

Due to a positive test result among the backstage team, TheatreSquared has now added time for quarantine to our production schedule, which will unfortunately postpone the start of our streaming dates for The Half-Life of Marie Curie.

Those holding tickets to on-demand streaming performances November 18-27 have been automatically rescheduled to join us for a celebratory Opening Night streaming performance of The Half-Life of Marie Curie on Saturday, November 28. At this special performance, there will be a pre-show Zoom social hour at 7pm, and we'll return to Zoom for a post-show opportunity for cocktails and conversation with the artists at 9pm.

All performances from November 28 through December 20 will continue as scheduled, with on-demand access for a 24-hour window from 12pm on the day of each scheduled performance to 12pm the next day. All patrons have full flexibility to exchange into any date by contacting the box office at 479.777.7477 or tix@theatre2.org.

We sincerely appreciate your understanding — we're excited to share this wonderful new work with you!

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